Saturday, December 13, 2008

W00t W00t

Well, what's there to say.
Three days of exams and I am done with my first semester of college! This semester went by so fast. By the end of May I will be done with my first year of college. Is that crazy or what?!

I haven't blogged in a while so I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. Finals next week. Stressing math so so so bad. Today was the last day of ethics class. That class was just a weird experience for me, so I'm glad it's over.

I lost 20lb in '08. By the end of '09, I plan on losing another 20. I got really sick Wednesday and had to leave work early. Eeek, it was a bad day.

Leaving for California on the 22nd. I guess I have an official ride to the airport. (Thank God!) I'm so stoked! My sister has a whole road trip planned out for us.
I was going to go to Soma in San Diego but I guess no good shows this month :(

I'm debating on getting my septum pierced in Cali or not. I know I'll be for sure jobless once I come back to Florida. I really want it though.

Which reminds me, Vicky totally myspaced me last night. How weird! I haven't talked to her in months and didn't plan on doing so. She said she missed us being friends. Yeah well, I miss being a kid, can't go back to the past.

I guess that's it for today.

Oh., P.S. Totally got this new cute hat/barret today. It's way cute.

P.S.S. Happy Birthday TMDJR

1 comment:

Modern Girl said...

Man that barret is pretty dang cute. looks familar too. XD