Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Can I even stress how important this is?

Today is a very important day. Do you want to be a part of change? This will go down in history. For the last eight years we have struggled financially wise, ok, some of us have and we have seen a lot of horrible things happen. We have seen people's homes being taken away because they can't afford to pay the mortgage and more lay-offs than ever. We really need to be heard. Please vote today and make a difference. Make a difference in your life and in mine and in the people around you.

We are in a pointless war, a war that shouldn't even exist! We are in multiple wars, and all because our Mr.President said it was okay. It is not okay. Since when is it okay for people to kill other people?

Not religious, but think about it. This war is pointless, and all it is, is so Bush can go down in history. Please be a part of a change today. I don't care if you're so busy, take a few hours out of your day and vote, please do so.
We need change.

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