Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Something like a review.

The drummer for one of my favorite bands is always kind of mean when I meet him. I've seen him with his first band and of course his side project The Almost. He's from my hometown, and I see him everywhere. Just for shit's and giggles I always ask to have a picture taken with him. He's never really pleased about it but I mean, he's a pretty big influence in the hardcore scene so I see him as a really talented young man. People have different perspectives of other people but I guess he just got fed up with me asking for pictures all the time. I really find it amusing because you chose to be in two bands so, tough shit. (: He's still one of my favorites though.

The Devil Wears Prada killed it last night. I saw them at warped 08 this year, and definitely stole the show. Against Me! was great at warped too, one of my favorites as well, but Devil wears prada definitely stole the show. They were amazing last night. They duct taped their keyboardist to the keyboard. Take that Christopher Lent! haha, just kidding. I love Jeremy. He's the sweetest thing! He's gorgeous and can siiiiiiiing, oh did I mention headbang as well? Ha.

Saosin, been listening to them for a few years now. I've had so many chances to see them. Never really had the guts to because I was always busy doing something else. Well, Saosin was a part of this tour and I am really glad they were! Cove talked to me in the crowd and called me a sweetheart. I think that's the cutest thing, plus he handed me two water bottles (: Saosin was really really good last night. They're such amazing talented nice guys. Cove is super crazy and all over the place I just wanted to pinch his cheeks! I love that he can scream and sing his ass off as well! Saosin, great show last night, thank you.

The main part, the reason I left speech class early yesterday, probably my second favorite in the world, was last night. Underoath put on a great show. I've met underOATH last year, I've seen Aaron everywhere, and I always have the hardest time meeting Spencer. Spencer is such a huge inspiration to me. He has the most energy I've seen in a person performing. He's an amazing songwriter. So what if I'm not Christian, I don't care. We are all HUMAN BEINGS, we all deserve to love one another for being different and unique and not about our religious differences and political differences. The show last night was great. Not so many bruises, which I'm very happy about. Spencer jumped into the crowd and he was pretty much on top of my head. Sounds weird, but I was looking up at him screaming my head off. Spencer, thank you for great great energy, and the rest of the band, thank you for everything guys. You are truly a great great band. I am really glad and very very happy that you all played some old songs, because yes, I do have the new album but, I can relate to a lot in Chasing Safety and Define the great Line. It sounds a little different, the new album if you will, it just well, sometimes doesn't suit me. I have to be in the mood for it. But great work over-all.

I think Timmy's the nicest person ever! And he has some great teeth. His teeth are VERY white, and I just love his beard, and he is always thinking positive, even when fans sneak backstage to say hi to him and meet him. (: Timmy is great.

So, overall, Aaron just isn't the interacting part I guess. He just likes to be left alone and play his shows. Totally cool, I understand that. Can you REALLY handle being in two bands?

We'll see in a couple of years.

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