Friday, November 7, 2008

Random Thoughts

Arghhh I feel like Ed Norton in Fight Club where he struggles with insomnia like a crazy maniac and never sleeps. It's 2:09 am and I'm sitting here, whilst I have a huge ethics test in about 7 hours. I haven't slept an 8hour sleep in so long. I kind of miss it. I feel like I'm always in a dream, like I'm in a never ending moving dream. It really is crazy.

I hate procrastinating so much. I do it so much too though. Argh. I need sleeping pills or just healthy natural sleep. I doubt there's anything wrong with me with my sleeping problem, like a serious issue but I dunno, I need some kind of alternative to help me sleep.


Okay, so I did register for classes.
Not taking photography. I went to and I looked up all the professors I'm taking next semester. Let me tell you, some had HORRIBLE remarks so of course, I only chose the best ones. I heard Morelli-White is really good for Comp 2 so I took her. And she dances when your phone goes off, [only if it's a good song O_o] yeah, I'm excited.
I fucking hate working with Tyler. Really, working with an ex. Hahahaha. Was that even CONSIDERED an ex?
Doubt it.

To a new point. Mid term was due this Friday. Kind of BSed it but I dunno, I think I'm going to be okay.
Have a lesbian in my class, got paired up with her today. I didn't quite catch if she HATED or loved Jeffree Star.
Meeting JSTAR last week was intense. He's so fucking intimidating, but I wasn't all over him cause well, he probably has aids. Hahaha, jk!

Blaaaaaaaaah. Missin Ricky
Love you.

Good night, good morning.

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